
Pay staff on time with payroll software

Automate and digitize your payroll administration with BCS software

Employee salaries must be paid on time each month. You want to carry out this important task as efficiently as possible without having to sacrifice valuable time. Don't worry, the user-friendly BCS payroll software will help you with this! With our payroll software you have immediate insight into the total wage costs and salary calculations within your organisation. In addition, you automatically stay up-to-date with the current legislation and regulations and collective labour agreements so that you can focus on implementing your HR policy.

The advantages of our payroll software

You can easily calculate and change salary data online within BCS payroll administration software. Payroll processing can be fully integrated with BCS's HRM modules. This makes generating a payment file for salaries a natural consequence of the staff administration. So you can keep the payroll completely in-house.

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Multiple checks

By default, BCS automatically performs several checks on the payroll. This prevents mistakes and you spend less time checking the salary payments.

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Proforma payslip

With BCS you can print out proforma payslips and you can look ahead at the labour costs when the workforce grows, for example.

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Renumeration of all CLA's

BCS has a link with all pay grades and supports your desired collective labour agreements for payroll administration.

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Advance payment processing

With the HR workflow Advance payment you can have the advance paid immediately, and already settled with the salary processing.

Labour cost overview

Labour cost overview

Labour cost overviews based on project data and/or for defined organisation layers. This means efficient and error-free data processing.

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Overviews and reports that are easy to export to various file formats, such as Excel.

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Expense allowance scheme

Through the expense allowance scheme (werkkostenregeling) in BCS you can keep track of all amounts you donate to staff, so you can process the amount of the total taxable wage bill in your tax return.

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Pay grade progression

If it applies to the employee, you can apply an automatic pay grade progression. You do this by selecting the period in which the pay grade should be raised.

24/7 access to data

Always access to data

Our software operates in the cloud, so data is always available and you stay up-to-date on what is happening within the organization.

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MSS & ESS software

Give managers and employees the opportunity to make changes themselves with MSS & ESS software.

Digital payslip

With BCS payroll administration software you can make the payslips of all your employees securely available online with 1 click of a button. Employees will be notified by email as soon as a new payslip is ready. They can then view their digital payslips themselves using the BCS staff app or the online web portal. This way you easily save time and you no longer have to email the payslips per perso

Digital payslip

Choose the right payroll software package!

With BCS payroll administration software you can make the payslips of all your employees securely available online with 1 click of a button. Employees will be notified by email as soon as a new payslip is ready. They can then view their digital payslips themselves using the BCS staff app or the online web portal. This way you easily save time and you no longer have to email the payslips per person.

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BCS advice payroll software

Our software

Clever software tailored to your HR policy

HR Essentials

With HR Essentials you can fully automate your payroll administration yourself. The payroll software also offers you the flexible option to add additional HRM modules, such as HR, absence due to sickness and time administration.

  • Choose from different modules
  • Automate manual operations
  • Create clear reports

HR Enterprise

Are you looking for a complete staff information system to automate current HR processes and payroll processing? The Polaris total solution gives you everything under one roof.

  • Automates and digitises all HR processes
  • Personalised HR workflow(s)
  • Fast and tailor-made implementation